Well here goes nothing never blogged before but im going to try, this past saturday me and group of our squad participated in a qualifier for the Bataan Deathmarch. We had trained and everything for it but it was still hard and challenging, but we made a deal that we start as a team and end as a team. Thats what we did, we had one that rolled his ankle and we carried him for a good long while then he wanted to walk so he walked for awhile then we gave him his ruck back and he completed the whole thing. It was hard because i got blisters really bad on one foot but its okay i pushed through it, because I wanted to finish the whole thing just to say i did it I wish I wouldve taped up my feet but lesson learned. I cant wait for the next ruck march even though im going to sick call tomorrow cause one toe is raw im going to get it looked at. Well enough about the ruck march.
I want to also talk about how much I love my beautiful wife and kids they are my world and what drive me from day to day knowing that I will get to be home with them soon even if its just on leave. I also know that after leave I only have a few months here then I get to go back and get stationed some where with my family and I cant wait for that because its hard being away from them and right now being away from them makes me want out. I just want to wait and see how I like the army when I am living with my family, I have the most beautiful wife in the world and I miss coming home to her every night and spending all my time with her and the girls. I feel as though since I have been gone I have missed out on alot of the girls lifes and I dont like that its coming up on a year and its been a hard year but I know that all this has happened for a reason. I also know that it will help us somewhere sometime it will make a difference. Well Ashley I Love you with all my heart and cant wait to wrap my arms around you. I love you to infinity and beyond beyond.
Yay! We finally hear from the man himself!! I bet, Ash you are jumping for joy!! Love you guys!